Welcome om my webpage.
My name is Marcel van der Molen, but some people know me as Abe or as Molenwiek. In the past this site used to be about photo’s of cycling. Under the name Molenwiek Fotografie I went to several cycling races and tried to make some nice photo’s of the cyclists.
Since I already am a cycling enthousiast for a lot off years (I wont tell my age ;-)) and had multiple bikes, I sold my older bike and my photography-stuff and buyed some new bikes to make more adventures.
When I go out on the bike I like to take a photo as a reminder of the place where I was and I even have followers who state: “I wonder where the bike of Marcel will be this week.”
Sometimes I have inspiration for a nice blog or story and also put this on the site. Since the followers off my account on instagram are not all dutch-speaking I am mixing the two languages.
Hope you enjoy my pictures and stories.